Sunday, November 27, 2016

Stop! Potty Time!

I know that's a take-off on a line from a song, but I can't even remember the rest of it; nor do I have any sense about the artist.  Isn't it funny what little things stick in our minds?'s that time in our house.  Our little man is ready, though cooperative some days and stubborn others.  What toddler isn't?!  I know he would respond to candy as an incentive/reward, and we may use that as we work on...#2...but he already has enough of my sweet tooth so I decided to start with stickers on a sticker chart.  Two nap times in my craft room and I think we're all set!

 It's hard to see in the photo, but there are little dotted lines through all the squares, like a road.  One sticker per try, two for success!  And we are prepared to sit and wait if need be :)

  Here goes!!!


1 comment:

  1. Loved this entry! Good luck!! We will be there in a few months with Joel!
